Tabor$95923$ - translation to greek
Online Dictionary

Tabor$95923$ - translation to greek

Tabor Seminary; Tabor Adelaide; Tabor Theological Seminary; Tabor Seminary, Australia; Tabor Christian College; Tabor College, Australia; Tabor College Australia

n. μικρό τύμπανο, ντέφι


·vt To make (a sound) with a tabor.
II. Tabor ·vi To strike lightly and frequently.
III. Tabor ·vi To play on a tabor, or little drum.
IV. Tabor ·noun A small drum used as an accompaniment to a pipe or fife, both being played by the same person.


Tabor (Australia)

Tabor College is an Australian Christian tertiary college offering a range of liberal arts courses from certificate to post-graduate studies in the areas of counselling, education, ministry, performing arts, mission, youth studies and humanities. The college is based in Adelaide, South Australia with a campus in Perth, Western Australia. The Adelaide campus, formerly including the national headquarters, is housed in heritage listed buildings in Millswood, which were formerly the Goodwood Orphanage and more recently an education centre.